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Everything posted by Funky

  1. Hello, you could try another browser and link, there are several available on the web
  2. El servidor esta en closed beta y unicamente se puede acceder comprando un founder pack. Sino en el lanzamiento el juego será F2P y no hace falta comprar nada para poder ingresar a jugar.
  3. Spanish » Se aumento el % de drop para Items Ancient del Kundun. » Se corrigió un error con el nivel de mobs de BC Master que no permitia ganar experiencia ML. » Se reemplazaron los Mobs de DS ML por mobs de mapas Ferea, Nix & Swamp of Darkness. English » Increased the drop % for Kundun's Ancient Items. » Fixed a bug with the BC Master mob level that did not allow you to gain ML experience. » Replaced DS ML Mobs with mobs from Ferea, Nix & Swamp of Darkness maps. Portugues » Aumentou a porcentagem de queda para Itens Antigos de Kundun. » Corrigido um bug com o nível de mob BC Master que não permitia que você ganhasse experiência de ML. » Substituído DS ML Mobs por mobs dos mapas Ferea, Nix e Swamp of Darkness.
  4. Spanish » Se habilito el drop de Items Ancient en el Chaos Castle 6 y 7. » Se habilito la invasion de Kundun (12 horas de respawn). » Se habilito Master Level (100), pueden ganar ML EXP a partir de mobs nivel 129. » Se aumento la experiencia del reset 9. » Ahora las invasiones de dorados son todos los días, dos veces al día (10am, 20pm). » Ahora el cliente soporta +60 FPS dependiendo del rendimiento de hardware de cada usuario. Los efectos de los pentagramas tienen algunos problemas al correr a esta cantidad de FPS, por lo que se recomienda deshabilitar el efecto de pentagramas desde la tecla F7. English » The Ancient Items drop has been enabled in Chaos Castle 6 and 7. » Kundun invasion enabled (12 hours of respawn). » Master Level (100) is enabled, you can earn ML EXP from level 129 mobs. » The experience of reset 9 has been increased. » Now the golden invasions are every day, twice a day (10am, 8pm). » Now the client supports +60 FPS depending on the hardware performance of each user. The stave effects have some problems running at this amount of FPS, so it is recommended to disable the stave effect from the F7 key. Portugues »O drop de Itens Antigos foi habilitado no Chaos Castle 6 e 7. »Invasão Kundun habilitada (12 horas de respawn). »Master Level (100) está habilitado, você pode ganhar ML EXP de mobs de nível 129. »A experiência do reset 9 foi aumentada. » Agora as invasões douradas são todos os dias, duas vezes ao dia (10h, 20h). » Agora o cliente suporta +60 FPS dependendo do desempenho de hardware de cada usuário. Os efeitos de pauta apresentam alguns problemas ao executar nesta quantidade de FPS, por isso é recomendado desabilitar o efeito de pauta na tecla F7.
  5. Spanish » Ahora los bosses Selupan, Medusa y Nightmare tiran hasta cuatro items. » Ahora los bosses Core Magriffy, Lord Silvester y Lord of Ferea tiran hasta tres items. » Ahora el Boss del Domingo (Gaion Khairen) puede tirar hasta tres items. English » Bosses Selupan, Medusa and Nightmare now drop up to four elements. » Bosses Core Magriffy, Lord Silvester and Lord of Ferea now drop up to three items. » Now the Sunday Boss (Gaion Khairen) can throw up to three items. Portugues » Os chefes Selupan, Medusa e Nightmare agora dropam até quatro elementos. » Bosses Core Magriffy, Lord Silvester e Lord of Ferea agora dropam até três itens. » Agora o Sunday Boss (Gaion Khairen) pode lançar até três itens.
  6. Spanish » Ahora Lord of Ferea spawnea sin la orbe ya que daba problemas con el tiempo de despawn, una vez anunciado el evento Lord of Ferea será spawneado. » Se removió Jerin the Assistant (NPC Gaion) del server No-PvP (No permitia ingresar porque el evento dentro de este servidor esta deshabilitado pero se remueve para evitar tickets de soporte preguntando por esto). English » Now Lord of Ferea spawns without the orb since it caused problems with spawn time, once the event is announced Lord of Ferea will spawn. » Jerin the Assistant (NPC Gaion) was removed from the No-PvP server (It did not allow entry because the event within this server is disabled but it is removed to avoid support tickets asking about this). Portugues » Agora Lord of Ferea surge sem o orbe, pois causava problemas com o tempo de spawn, assim que o evento for anunciado, Lord of Ferea irá aparecer. » Jerin the Assistant (NPC Gaion) foi removido do servidor No-PvP (Não permitiu a entrada porque o evento dentro deste servidor está desabilitado mas foi removido para evitar tickets de suporte perguntando sobre isso).
  7. Website: LAMUS Legend Website Discord: LAMUS Legend Discord Hi everyone! I am pleased to announce our private MU Legend server. This is a project in continuous development aimed at providing the best gaming experience possible. Here are some key details about our server: Continuous Development: We are constantly working on game development, ensuring new features, improvements, and bug fixes. No Pay-to-Win (P2W): We want all players to have a fair and balanced experience. Our server is not P2W. The only items for sale are cosmetics that do not affect gameplay. VIP Benefits for All: All players receive VIP benefits, ensuring a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone. Season System: LAMUS Legend has a seasonal system, each season lasts 3 to 6 months, depending on the number of players and the competition there is. Once the current season ends, the server will move to the legacy realm, maintaining all account and character information, and will continue to be accessible, while in parallel a new previously announced server will open corresponding to the new ongoing season of the game, with new content and rates. In this way we provide constant replayability and allow new players to get involved with the community, having the opportunity to be the best in a season and earn rewards for doing so. In addition to this, in each season we will have a summary of the best moments and/or players of each season. Game Progression Overhaul We have completely reworked the character progression system. The experience curves have been adjusted so that when you're running a level 20 dungeon, your character level is as close to 20 as possible. This provides a consistently challenging experience and the opportunity to discover new items to boost your character’s power. Established Community and Servers We already have a thriving community with many users and three MU Online servers that have been running for several months. Our commitment to updates ensures that all users can invest their time knowing that their investment is highly valued by us. Closed Beta The closed beta will commence on Friday, June 31st. This will be the final beta test before the official launch of the server! We're eager to gather feedback from our community to ensure the best possible experience for everyone
  8. Spanish » Se corrigieron algunos parametros para evitar que el Daily Reward Buff expire en extrañas ocasiones. » Se deshabilito temporalmente el requerimiento de "Stone of Arka" para participar del Arka War, pueden ingresar sin tener el item. » Se habilito nuevamente el Summon dentro del evento Arka War. » Se agrego el mapa Nixies Lake con sus respectivos spots (requiere actualizar el cliente de juego). » Se agrego el mapa Swamp of Darkness con sus respectivos spots (requiere actualizar el cliente de juego). » Se corrigió algunos valores de venta para los Items por LAMUS Points (todos los items pueden venderse a mitad del valor del precio en el SHOP). English » Fixed some parameters to prevent the Daily Reward Buff from expiring on rare occasions. » The "Stone of Arka" requirement to participate in the Arka War has been temporarily disabled, you can enter without having the item. » Summon was enabled again within the Arka War event. » Added the Nixies Lake map with its respective spots (requires updating the game client). » Added the Swamp of Darkness map with its respective spots (requires updating the game client). » Corrected some sales values for Items for LAMUS Points (all items can be sold at half the price value in the SHOP). Portugues » Corrigidos alguns parâmetros para evitar que o Buff de Recompensa Diária expire em raras ocasiões. » O requisito “Pedra de Arka” para participar da Guerra Arka foi temporariamente desativado, você pode entrar sem ter o item. » A invocação foi habilitada novamente no evento Arka War. » Adicionado o mapa Nixies Lake com seus respectivos spots (requer atualização do cliente do jogo). » Adicionado o mapa Swamp of Darkness com seus respectivos spots (requer atualização do cliente do jogo). » Corrigidos alguns valores de venda de Itens por Pontos LAMUS (todos os itens podem ser vendidos pela metade do valor do preço na LOJA).
  9. Spanish » Ahora el Buff de XP para miembros de Guilds aplica simplemente siendo miembro de alguna guild, no hace falta estar cerca de 5 personajes de la Guild para que tenga efecto » Se corrigió un error en el capeo de Defense Reduction del Skill "Fire Slash" (Estaba capeando en 10% y deberia llegar hasta 25%). » Se habilito el evento Gaion-Varka para personajes de nivel +300 +8 resets » Ahora el evento de Doppleganger pide nivel +300 (antes era +380) English » Now the XP Buff for Guild members applies simply by being a member of a guild, you do not need to be close to 5 Guild characters for it to take effect » Fixed an error in the Defense Reduction capping of the Skill "Fire Slash" (It was capping at 10% and should go up to 25%). » Gaion-Varka event enabled for characters level +300 +8 resets » Doppleganger event now requires level +300 (previously +380) Portugues » Agora o Bônus de XP para membros da Guilda se aplica simplesmente por ser membro de uma guilda, você não precisa estar perto de 5 personagens da Guilda para que ele tenha efeito » Corrigido erro no limite de Redução de Defesa da Habilidade “Corte de Fogo” (estava com limite de 10% e deveria subir para 25%). » Evento Gaion-Varka habilitado para personagens de nível +300 +8 resets » Evento Doppleganger agora requer nível +300 (anteriormente +380)
  10. En las versiones altas todas las clases utilizan Skill Ruud, no te sirve de nada tirar combo en PvP. No es un error, funciona así
  11. Spanish » Se corrigieron errores en el drop de Selupan. » Se aumento la experiencia de las primeras tablas de reset (del 1 al 7). » Ahora los nuevos personajes comienzan con un set Ghast +9, Archangel Weapon +9 y Cloak of Limit +9 por 30 días de duración. English » Fixed errors in Selupan's drop. » The experience of the first reset tables was increased (from 1 to 7). » New characters now start with a Ghast +9, Archangel Weapon +9 and Cloak of Limit +9 set for 30 days duration. Portugues » Corrigidos erros no drop do Selupan. » A experiência das primeiras tabelas de reset foi aumentada (de 1 para 7). » Novos personagens agora começam com Ghast +9, Archangel Weapon +9 e Cloak of Limit +9 definidos para 30 dias de duração.
  12. Por mi esta bien bajarles la HP, anteriormente se aumento a pedido de una sugerencia donde todos estaban deacuerdo en aumentar la vida de estos
  13. Spanish » Se aumento levemente la vida de Core Magriffy y Lord Silvester. » Se redujo la defensa de Selupan y se aumento levemente la vida. » Se redujo la vida de la torre del evento Protector of Acheron de 90m a 50m » Se habilito la barra de vida y sd al pasar el cursor por encima de los personajes English » Slightly increased the health of Core Magriffy and Lord Silvester. » Reduced Selupan's defense and slightly increased health. » Protector of Acheron event tower health reduced from 90m to 50m » The life and sd bar was enabled when hovering over the characters Portugues » Aumentou ligeiramente a saúde de Core Magriffy e Lord Silvester. »Redução da defesa de Selupan e aumento ligeiro da saúde. » Vida da torre do evento Protetor de Acheron reduzida de 90m para 50m » A barra de vida e SD foi habilitada ao passar o mouse sobre os personagens
  14. Spanish » Se habilito el sistema de Daily Quests para todos los personajes que tengan 10 resets English » The Daily Quests system has been enabled for all characters who have 10 resets Portugues » O sistema de Missões Diárias foi habilitado para todos os personagens que possuem 10 resets
  15. Spanish » Se agrego 30 minutos adicionales a la Golden Invasion, ahora dura un total de 60 minutos. » Se corrigió un error con las rewards del algunos eventos PvP. » Se habilitaron las entradas restantes de Acheron (Debenter, Uruk Montain, Nars) » Ahora las Tower del evento Protector of Acheron también puede spawnear en Debenter » Se habilito el drop de todos los materiales para la creación de armas socket ex700 » Se habilito el evento de LaCleon (Selupan) » Se habilito el evento de Boss Core Magriffy, Lord Silvester y Lord of Ferea Información de nuevos eventos Selupan (Raklion Event) Mapa: La Cleon Respawn: 24hs Core Magriffy Mapa: Nars Días: Martes, Jueves Horario: 21:00 Lord Silvester Mapa: Uruk Montain Días: Martes, Jueves Horario: 22:30 Lord of Ferea Mapa: Ferea Días: Miercoles, Sábado Horario: 23:00 English » Added 30 additional minutes to the Golden Invasion, now lasting a total of 60 minutes. » Fixed a bug with the rewards of some PvP events. » Remaining Acheron entries enabled (Debenter, Uruk Montain, Nars) » Towers from the Protector of Acheron event can now also spawn in Debenter » The drop of all materials for the creation of socket ex700 weapons has been enabled » The LaCleon (Selupan) event was enabled » The Boss Core Magriffy, Lord Silvester and Lord of Ferea event has been enabled Information about new events Selupan (Raklion Event) Map: La Cleon Respawn: 24 hours Core Magriffy Map: Nars Days: Tuesday, Thursday Time: 9:00 p.m. Lord Sylvester Map: Uruk Mountain Days: Tuesday, Thursday Time: 22:30 Lord of Ferea Map: Ferea Days: Wednesday, Saturday Hours: 11pm Portugues » Adicionados 30 minutos adicionais à Invasão Dourada, agora com duração total de 60 minutos. » Corrigido um bug com as recompensas de alguns eventos PvP. » Entradas restantes do Acheron habilitadas (Debenter, Uruk Montain, Nars) »Torres do evento Protetor de Acheron agora também podem aparecer em Debenter » O drop de todos os materiais para a criação de armas soquete ex700 foi habilitado » O evento LaCleon (Selupan) foi habilitado » O evento Boss Core Magriffy, Lord Silvester e Lord of Ferea foi habilitado Informações sobre novos eventos Selupan (Evento Raklion) Mapa: La Cléon Reaparecimento: 24 horas Núcleo Magriffy Mapa: Nars Dias: terça, quinta Horário: 21h00 Lorde Silvestre Mapa: Montanha Uruk Dias: terça, quinta Horário: 22h30 Senhor de Ferea Mapa: Feria Dias: quarta-feira, sábado Horário: 23h00
  16. El sistema de misiones diarias esta disponible para personajes a partir del reset 10, y permite el farmeo de LAMUS Points (LP), el cual nos habilita a comprar en la Shop de LP. Tendremos cinco misiones diarias disponibles que podremos completar todos los días, incluyendo una misión Elite la cual tiene un grado mayor de dificultad pero con una ganancia de LP superior a las misiones diarias normales. Las misiones diarias se reinician todos los días a las 23:59 (GMT-3), y podremos completarlas nuevamente una vez pasado el horario de reinicio. Recompensas Daily Quest LAMUS Points (LP) Buff Battle Pass Stars Normal 50 - 10 Normal 50 - 10 Normal 50 - 10 Normal 50 - 10 Elite 150 Daily Reward Buff (24hs) 20 Shop Dentro de la instancia de Daily Quests encontraremos un NPC Shop (LP) en el cual podremos gastar nuestro LP por Items que pueden ir cambiando a medida que lo veamos viable y necesario. Ingreso a la instancia Pueden ingresar teniendo 10 resets desde el NPC "Daily Quests" en Lorencia (136, 127) Tips El buff "Daily Reward Buff" nos otorga durante 24hs un buff de +50 a todas las estadisticas de nuestro personaje.
  17. Materials Exce Items Steel of Heaven Archangel Divine Sword Archangel Divine Scepter Archangel Divine Crossbow Archangel Divine Staff Archangel Divine Stick Archangel Absolute Claw Divine Short Sword Archangel Absolute Blade Archangels Absolute Magic Gun Absolute Mace of Archangel
  18. Materials Muun Pets Socket Items Steel of Heaven Lord Silvester Absolute Scepter Dark Stinger Deadly Staff Eternal Wing Stick Flameberge Frost Mace Inberial Staff Rune Bastard Sword Sword Breaker Crimson Glory Salamander Shield Frost Barrier Guardian Shield Succubus Helm Lazy Wind Helm Dark Devil Helm Sticky Helm Ambition Mask Bloody Dragon Helm Succubus Pants Lazy Wind Pants Dark Devil Pants Sticky Pants Hell Night Pants Ambition Pants Bloody Dragon Pants Succubus Boots Lazy Wind Boots Dark Devil Boots Sticky Boots Hell Night Boots Ambition Boots Bloody Dragon Boots
  19. Materials Muun Pets Socket Items Socket Weapon Materials Steel of Heaven Repen (Mount) Succubus Armor Sonic Combination Note Lazy Wind Armor Cyclone Combination Note Dark Devil Armor Blast Combination Note Sticky Armor Magma Combination Note Hell Night Armor Horn Combination Note Ambition Armor Angelic Combination Note Bloody Dragon Armor Devil Cross Combination Note Succubus Gloves Miracle Combination Note Lazy Wind Gloves Spite Combination Note Dark Devil Gloves Asura Combination Note Sticky Gloves Thunder Combination Note Hell Night Gloves Soul Combination Note Ambition Gloves Prickle Combination Note Lazy Combination Note Light Combination Note Dark Combination Note Magic Combination Note Ambition Combination Note
  20. Funky


    Materials Muun Pets Exce Items Socket Items Steel of Heaven Muun Pet Selupan Great Dragon Set Titan Set Dark Soul Set Brave Set Red Spirit Set Eternal Wing Set Dark Master Set Hades Set Demonic Set Royal Set Hurricane Set Seraphim Set Piercing Set Phantom Set Dark Reign Blade Destroy Set Platina Staff Divine Set Albatross Bow Absolute Scepter Daybreak Dark Stinger Demonic Stick Deadly Staff Great Lord Scepter Eternal Wing Stick Piercing Blade Glove Flameberge Frost Mace Inberial Staff Rune Bastard Sword Sword Breaker Crimson Glory Salamander Shield Frost Barrier Guardian Shield
  21. Spanish » Se deshabilito el Summon en la instancia del evento Arka War, los personajes no podrán ser summoneados en el mapa donde ocurre el evento. » Se habilito el drop de Items Excellent del drop normal de mobs. » Se agrego otro día a la programación de dorados (Domingo). » Se habilitaron los Dorados que dropean Kunduns +4 y +5 (ahora estan todos habilitados por completo). » Se corrigió spawn del Golden Crust (en extrañas ocasiones no spawneaba). English » Summon was disabled in the Arka War event instance, characters cannot be summoned. » The drop of Items Excellent from the normal drop of mobs has been enabled. » Another day was added to the goldfish schedule (Sunday). » The Golden ones that drop +4 and +5 Kunduns have been enabled (they are all fully enabled now). » Fixed Golden Crust spawn (on rare occasions it would not spawn). Portugues » A convocação foi desativada na instância do evento Arka War, os personagens não podem ser convocados. » O drop de Itens Excelentes do drop normal de mobs foi habilitado. » Foi adicionado mais um dia à programação do peixinho dourado (domingo). » Os Dourados que dropam +4 e +5 Kunduns foram habilitados (todos estão totalmente habilitados agora). » Corrigido o aparecimento da Golden Crust (em raras ocasiões não aparecia).
  22. 読んでる奴はクソだ
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