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Changelogs April 4


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Changelogs April 4

» Se corrigió algunos Items de la CashShop por GP que estaban mal (los 10 días valian más caro que comprarlo de forma individual.
» Se agrego una nueva pestaña en la CashShop por tiempo limitado, es parte de una promo que estará disponible unicamente por algunos días.
» Se aumento el tiempo del OffHelper en el servidor principal hasta 6 horas para los usuarios free (si en algun momento no lo vemos conveniente se volverá a poner en 2 horas).
» Se aumento el drop de Mastery Horns del Season Pass, ahora en vez de dividir el porcentaje por 10000 es por 1000

» Corrected some items in the CashShop by GP that were wrong (the 10 days were worth more than buying individually.
» A new tab is added to the CashShop for a limited time, it is part of a promotion that will only be available for a few days.
» The OffHelper time on the main server is increased to 6 hours for free users (if at any time we do not see it convenient it will be set back to 2 hours).
» The drop of Mastery Horns from the Season Pass is increased, now instead of dividing the percentage by 10,000 it is by 1,000

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