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Everything posted by Funky

  1. Funky


    Medusa Dark Soul Set Great Dragon Set Red Spirit Set Hurricane Set Dark Master Set Demonic Set Piercing Groove Set Daybreak Platina Staff Arrow Viper Bow Sword Dancer Shining Scepter Demonic Stick Piercing Blade Glove Ring of Ice Ring of Poison Ring of Fire Pendant of Lighting Pendant of Fire Pendant of Ice Ruud Box (10) (2) Ruud Box (50) (2) Ruud Box (500) (2) Jewel of Bless (3) Jewel of Soul (3) Jewel of Creation (2) Jewel of Life Medusa Muun Pet Ancient Hero's Soul Sapi Queen Sword of Destruction Dark Breaker Thunder Blade Celestial Bow Dragon Soul Staff Shining Scepter Sacred Glove Ancient Stick Book of Neil Ring of Ice Ring of Poison Pendant of Lighting Pendant of Fire Pendant of Ice Pendant of Wind Pendant of Water Ring of Earth Ring of Wind Ring of Fire Ring of Magic Pendant of Ability Dark Phoenix Set Grand Soul Set Holy Spirit Set Thunder Hawk Set Dark Steel Set Ancient Set Sacred Fire Set Dragon Shield Elemental Shield Grand Soul Shield Ruud Box (50) Steel of Heaven Jewels Goblin Points (100) Silver Key Golden Key
  2. Funky


    Nightmare Steel of Heaven Eclipse Set Ashcrow Set Iris Set Valiant Set Glorious Set Black Origin Set Noble Pixie Set Magic Flare Set Frere Set Nightwing Set Kenaz Set Hirat Set Pluma Lance Pluma Shield Frere Magic Gun Shining Feather Magic Book Blue Moon Orb Xeno Blade Pendant of Wind Pendant of Water Pendant of Ability Ring of Earth Ring of Wind Ring of Magic Ruud Box (10) (2) Ruud Box (50) (2) Ruud Box (500) (2) Jewel of Bless (3) Jewel of Soul (3) Jewel of Creation (2) Jewel of Life (2) Nightmare Muun Pet Goblin Points (100) Silver Key Golden Key Maya Hands Devil's Invitation Invisibility Cloak Lost Map Gemstone
  3. Funky

    Arka War

    Horarios del evento Las batallas son una vez por semana y se llevaran a cabo todos los Viernes por la noche a las 22:00 pm (Hora de Argentina). 21:32 – 21:42 = Registración de Guild 21:42 – 21:52 = Registración de Members 21:52 – 21:55 = Anuncio de entrada a Arka War 21:55 – 22:00 = Tiempo de espera en Acheron (safe zone) 22:00 – 23:00 = Inicio y fin de Arka War Requisitos » Para registrase en Arka War es necesario Sign of Lord » Los 6 Guilds que presenten mas Sign of Lord podrán participar del Arka War » Para registrarse el Guild debe tener como mínimo 10 miembros. » Para participar en Arka War se deben registrar 10 miembros obligatoriamente. » La participación en Arka War solo será posible mediante un registro en el NPC correspondiente en el tiempo de aviso de inscripción, cuando este termine ya no podrá registrarse. » El máximo de Guilds que pueden registrarse es de 6 Guilds. » Usted tiene que solicitar su participación en Arka War mediante el NPC “Sir Lesnar” » La inscripción de los miembros es posible después de que el Guild Master haga el registro del Guild. » Como mínimo deben registrarse 10 y un máximo de 30 miembros por Guild pueden participar en Arka War. » Cuando el registro supera el máximo de miembros permitidos un mensaje de que no pueden ser admitidos aparecerá. » El Guild inscripto que no supere más de 10 miembros será descalificado y no podrá participar del Arka War. Características » Duración del evento: 60 Minutos » Tiempo para registrar la Guild al evento: 10 Minutos » Tiempo para el registro de los miembros: 10 Minutos » Tiempo de espera una vez finalizado el evento: 10 Minutos » Bonificación de experiencia de Tower's Buff: 20% » Friendly Fire: Habilitado » Reducción de daño en enemigos: 50% » Reducción de daño en aliados: 80% » Tiempo de respawn de Obelisk: 20 segundos » Vida de Tower: 50 Millones » Vida de Tower ocupada: 30 Millones Arca War Recompensas A. Beneficios exclusivos en las zonas de caza de Acheron En Acheron, todos los personajes pueden ver qué Guild ocupa las áreas. Los Guilds ocupantes reciben un aumento del 20% de item drop rate sólo en Acheron. B. Mejora del Guild El Guild que ocupa el Obelisco obtiene un Buff. El Buff se otorga automáticamente a todos los miembros del Gremio durante una semana (incluidos aquellos que no participaron). El tipo de beneficio varía según el Obelisco que ocuparon. Aumenta un 20% la experiencia.
  4. El ingreso al Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest sera desde el BattleCore, debemos acceder con nuestra cuenta haciendo click en "BattleCore" en la parte superior izquierda de la lista de eventos (o hablando con Ellin en Loren Market 46, 60), y luego presionar "Queueing BattleCore" y Ok, se nos abrirá el launcher, le damos Start y en la selección de server ingresamos dentro de BattleCore con nuestra cuenta. Nos aparecerá nuestro persona y debemos dirigirnos al NPC “Mait” que se encuentra ubicado en Loren Market coordenadas (85, 135). Descripción básica del Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest » Comienza el primer día de cada mes y se divide ronda preliminar, semifinales y final terminando el dia 6. » Las reglas básicas son las mismas que el Chaos Castle normal de toda la vida. » Los puntos obtenidos pueden reflejar tu posición en el ranking que puedes comprobar a través del NPC “Mait”. » Las clasificación a la semifinales y final puede verse a través del NPC “Mait”. » Si estas en estado PK, el acceso podria estar restringido. » Solo personajes de nivel 280 en adelante pueden participa. Condiciones de entrada » Solo es posible el ingreso a personajes de nivel 280 en adelante (El ingreso es gratuito). » El numero mínimo de participantes es de 5 y el máximo es de 70. » Los 20 primeros puestos en la etapa preliminar podrán participar de la etapa semifinal. » Los 10 primeros puestos de la etapa semifinal podrán participar de la etapa final. Preliminar El juego preliminar se desarrolla desde el día 15 de cada mes hasta el día 17, sumando puntos que se reflejaran en la clasificación. Los 20 primeros puestos en la etapa preliminar podrán participar de la etapa semifinal. Semifinales Solo podrán ingresar los 20 primeros puestos del ranking preliminar. El juego semifinal se desarrolla desde el día 18 de cada mes hasta el día 19, sumando puntos que se reflejaran en la clasificación. Los 10 primeros puestos en la etapa semifinal podrán participar de la etapa final Final Solo podrán ingresar los 10 primeros puestos del ranking semifinal. El juego final se desarrolla el día 20 de cada mes, dando como ganador a un personaje. El ganador del evento final no solo su nombre aparecerá dentro del salón de la fama si no también se le otorgara un premio exclusivo que rotará cada mes. Calendario Primera Preliminar: día 15 de cada mes 20:30:00 Segunda Preliminar: día 16 de cada mes 20:30:00 Tercera Preliminar: día 17 de cada mes 20:30:00 Primera Semi-Final : día 18 de cada mes 20:30:00 Segunda Semi-Final : día 19 de cada mes 20:30:00 Final: Día 20 de cada mes 20:30:00 Recompensas durante el evento Gift of Henchmen Gift of Knights Gift of High Knights Recompensas para el campeón +11 4th Wing Voucher (30 Days)
  5. Funky

    Castle Siege

    Spanish Datos importantes a tener en cuenta » En la primera disputa por el castillo todas las alianzas son atacantes. » Durante el evento todos los personajes tienen una reducción de daño (PvP) (40% Team Opuesto - 20% Team Aliado). » Las puertas del castillo estarán abiertas, pero deberán romper las estatuas para entrar a la sala de corona. Es deber de la guild ganadora y próxima defensora ocuparse de la reparación de las mismas. Reglas del evento » Queda estrictamente prohibido el registro de Guilds "mulas" con el fin de registrar más Sign of Lords que otros clanes para evitar la participación de estos al evento. » En caso de problemas técnicos durante el evento y tenga que parar, este se reprogramará y Land of Trial queda abierto a todo el público hasta la próxima disputa. » En el caso de que el Castle Siege programado para un domingo coincida con un día festivo o existan obligaciones cívicas que impidan la asistencia de todos los jugadores (como Navidad o elecciones obligatorias), el evento será cancelado. Durante esa semana, Land of Trial quedará abierto al público en general. » Queda estrictamente prohibida la participación de cualquier clan perteneciente a la alianza que defiende el castillo en el proceso de registro. Esta medida se implementa para evitar cualquier forma de favoritismo o malas prácticas. Cualquier clan que desee abandonar su alianza defensora y participar en el próximo registro del Castle Siege deberá hacerlo antes del inicio del proceso de registro del CS anterior. Es importante destacar que ningún clan tiene permitido abandonar su alianza y participar en el registro del Castle Siege si ya apareció en la lista de los 20 clanes del CS anterior. Los líderes de las alianzas tienen la responsabilidad de garantizar que todos los miembros de su alianza cumplan con las reglas establecidas. En caso de que algún miembro no cumpla con las reglas, la alianza se verá inhabilitada para disfrutar de los beneficios del castillo en caso de obtener la corona durante el Castle Siege.
  6. Funky

    Castle Siege

    Important information to consider » In the first dispute for the castle, all alliances are attackers. » During the event, all characters have a damage reduction (PvP) (40% Opposing Team - 20% Allied Team). » The castle gates will be open, but they must break the statues to enter the crown room. It is the duty of the winning guild and the next defender to take care of their repair. Event Rules » Registering "dummy" guilds with the intention of registering more Sign of Lords than other clans to avoid their participation in the event is strictly prohibited. » In case of technical problems during the event that require a pause, it will be rescheduled, and Land of Trial will be open to the public until the next dispute. » If the Castle Siege scheduled for a Sunday coincides with a holiday or there are civic obligations that prevent the attendance of all players (such as Christmas or mandatory elections), the event will be canceled. During that week, Land of Trial will be open to the general public. » The participation of any clan belonging to the alliance defending the castle in the registration process is strictly prohibited. This measure is implemented to avoid any form of favoritism or malpractices. Any clan wishing to leave its defending alliance and participate in the next Castle Siege registration must do so before the start of the registration process for the previous CS. It is important to note that no clan is allowed to leave its alliance and participate in the Castle Siege registration if it has already appeared in the list of the previous CS's 20 clans. Alliance leaders are responsible for ensuring that all members of their alliance comply with the established rules. In case any member fails to comply with the rules, the alliance will be disqualified from enjoying the castle benefits if they obtain the crown during the Castle Siege.
  7. Funky

    Jewel Bingo

    Jeweldry Bingo It is a game whose specific objective is to create a line of Gems horizontally, vertically or diagonally. According to the number of bingos, a score and subsequent compensation will be given. Objective of the game The objective is to obtain the highest score by making the greatest number of bingos. How to Play Through hunting you can collect Card Pieces. Card Pieces can be collected automatically through the Mu Helper by checking the "Event Items" box. Card Pieces can be found in the event inventory. By collecting 24 Card Piece a Card Deck will be created and the game can be started. Jewel Bingo Lower Box (700 Points) Jewel of Chaos (1) Jewel of Bless (1) Jewel of Soul (1) Jewel of Life (1) Jewel of Creation (1) Jewel Bingo Intermediate Box (1200 Points) Jewel of Chaos (5) Jewel of Bless (5) Jewel of Soul (5) Jewel of Life (5) Jewel of Creation (5) Jewel Bingo Advanced & Premium Box (1400 Points) Jewel of Chaos (10) Jewel of Bless (10) Jewel of Soul (10) Jewel of Life (10) Jewel of Creation (10)
  8. Funky

    Mu Rummy

    How to play: To participate in the mini-game Mu Rummy, you will need to collect a card deck. By clicking the upper left event inventory button, a list of available games will be shown. How to receive a prize: you will receive it automatically to the "Gremory case" (press the "K" button) Lower: Jewels (3) Intermediate: Jewels (5), Ruud Box (500), Bless of Light (Lower-Middle) Advanced: Jewels (10) or Ruud Box (1500)
  9. Spanish El evento consiste en una intensa batalla PVP en la que los participantes son eliminados después de sufrir 3 derrotas. La inscripción requiere visitar al NPC Luke the Helper en Lorencia y pagar 1.000.000 de Zen. Para registrarse, basta con hacer clic en el NPC cuando se anuncie el evento globalmente. La batalla, que tiene lugar exclusivamente en el servidor PVP, dura 15 minutos, y cada jugador cuenta con 3 vidas. Se necesitan al menos 4 jugadores registrados para iniciar la competencia. English The event consists of an intense PVP battle in which participants are eliminated after suffering 3 defeats. Registration requires visiting the NPC Luke the Helper in Lorencia and paying 1,000,000 Zen. To register, simply click on the NPC when the event is announced globally. The battle, which takes place exclusively on the PVP server, lasts 15 minutes, and each player has 3 lives. At least 4 registered players are needed to start the competition. Rewards Jewel of Bless (10) Jewel of Life (10) Jewel of Creation (10) Jewel of Chaos (10) Jewel of Soul (10) Ruud Box (300) WCOIN 100 (Guaranteed)
  10. Event available on days: Mon - Tue - Thu - Sat Rewards Goblin Point (100) Jewels (10) or (20) Box of RUUD (400 to 2000) Arca's Prophecy Antonia's Sword Kundun's Seal Scroll Kundun's Madness Blade Kundun's Magic Spell Scroll Empire Guardians' Stronghold Ancient Icarus Scroll
  11. To enter the event we need to be level 1000 and a Varka Entry, which drops from mobs starting at level 250.To enter the event we need to be level 1000 and a Varka Entry, which drops from mobs starting at level 250. Rewards Ruud Box (1500) Spider Artifact Fragment Artifact Enchantment Stone Aditional Rewards Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul [Bound] Bless of Light (Middle) [Bound] Bless of Light (Greater)
  12. Boss Battle Together Harmony Jewel Box Acumular cualquier valor específico del daño causado Jewel of Harmony (5) Boss Battle Box Bonus Mayor daño total causado durante el evento y último golpe causado al monstruo boss final (segundo) Elemental Rune Ruud Box (1500) Jewel of Bless (10) Jewel of Soul (10) Suspicious Scrap of Paper Elixir of Strength Elixir of Agility Elixir of Health Brilliant Orb (I) GoblinPoints (100)
  13. Maze of Dimensions The Maze League starts on the 1st and ends on the 29th of each month, it has a cycle of 29 days. It is a total of five periods, the first four periods are one week (7 days in total) while the fifth cycle is the 29th, ending the programming. The reward is only for the Silver, Gold and Legendary leagues, the bronze league does not receive rewards. Recompensas por clasificación de liga 1: Labyrinth Box (Higher) (2) 2: Labyrinth Box (Higher) (5) 3: Labyrinth Box (Higher) (10) Labyrinth Box (Lower) Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Ruud Box (500) Goblin Points (25) [Bound] Bless of Light (Low Grade) (3) [Bound] Bless of Light (Middle Grade) (3) Mysterious Stone Labyrinth Box (Medium) Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Ruud Box (700) Goblin Points (50) [Bound] Bless of Light (Middle Grade) (3) Mysterious Stone Labyrinth Box (Higher) Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Life Jewel of Creation Ruud Box (1000) Goblin Points (100) [Bound] Bless of Light (Middle) (3) [Bound] Bless of Light (Greater) (3) Mysterious Stone
  14. Funky


    Doppleganger Final Chest 1 Items Normal & Excellent Final Chest 2 Items Normal & Excellent Interim Chest 1 Jewel of Chaos Interim Chest 2 and Final Chest 3 Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Creation Ruud Box (400) Interim Chest 3 Loch's Feather Final Chest 5 Condor Flame Final Chest 6 Condor Feather
  15. Funky

    Red Dragon

    Red Dragon Possible Location: Noria, Lorencia y Devias Item Drop List Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Chaos Jewel of Creation Jewel of Life Goblin Points Ruud Box (50) Ruud Box (100) Chaos Dragon Axe Chaos Nature Bow Chaos Lighting Staff
  16. Funky


    Evomon evolves The main advantage of the Evomon evolves on LAMUS, is the opportunity to win great rewards. What is this: You will summon an Evomon monster. After you will kill it, there is a chance that Evomon's monster will evolve to the next level. The higher level you get - the higher your chance to receive a high place in the ranking and receive a better box. Where to obtain: Need to acquire the Evomon summoning scroll. For that, you will need to collect 25 pieces of a summoning scroll. Once you have collected all 25, they will automatically transform into an Evomon summoning scroll in your event inventory (CNTRL V). MU Helper and search tip Information about where to find parts, you can find here [Drop Info, Bosses, Events and Other]. Piece of Summoning Scroll Evomon Summoning Scroll How to play Open the "Event inventory" (CTRL+V or click on it on the top-right of the screen) and drop "Evomon summoning scroll" on the ground outside of the safe zone. How to receive a prize You will receive it automatically to the "Gremory case" (press the "K" button) If memorized Evomon Level is greated or equal 30 and Evomon Level is lower than 69 then Evomon Level is increased by 4 every Evomon kill, otherwise it is increased by 1 Rewards from Evomon Boxes Minor Evomon Zen, Jewels or Ancient Standard Evomon Zen, Jewels, Lesser Spirit Stone or Ancient Greater Evomon Zen, Jewels, Lesser Spirit Stone, Box of Kundun (1-5) or Ancient Luxurious Evomon Jewels, Intermediate Spirit Stone, Box of Kundun (1-5) or Ancient Magnificent Evomon Note Upgrade Socket, Intermediate Spirit Stone, Steel of Heaven, Errtel Rank 1 (Random Element) or Ancient Legendary Evomon Errtel Rank 1 (Random Element), Pentagrams (Unique Level 300), Fragment of Radiance Slot (1-4)
  17. Funky

    Blue Dragon

    Possible Locations: Dungeon Blue Dragon (Green) 1 Item from this list or 1 Ancient Item or 10kk Zen Errtel of Anger (Wind) Errtel of Blessing (Wind) Errtel of Integrity (Wind) Errtel of Divinity (Wind) 1st Lucky Armor Ticket 1st Lucky Pants Ticket 1st Lucky Helm Ticket 1st Lucky Gloves Ticket 1st Lucky Boots Ticket 2nd Lucky Armor Ticket 2nd Lucky Pants Ticket 2nd Lucky Helm Ticket 2nd Lucky Gloves Ticket 2nd Lucky Boots Ticket Ruud Box (500) Ruud Box (400) Jewel of Bless (5) Jewel of Soul (5) Blue Dragon (Red) 1 Item from this list or 1 Ancient Item or 10kk Zen Errtel of Anger (Fire) Errtel of Blessing (Fire) Errtel of Integrity (Fire) Errtel of Divinity (Fire) 1st Lucky Armor Ticket 1st Lucky Pants Ticket 1st Lucky Helm Ticket 1st Lucky Gloves Ticket 1st Lucky Boots Ticket 2nd Lucky Armor Ticket 2nd Lucky Pants Ticket 2nd Lucky Helm Ticket 2nd Lucky Gloves Ticket 2nd Lucky Boots Ticket Ruud Box (500) Ruud Box (400) Jewel of Bless (5) Jewel of Soul (5) Blue Dragon (Blue) 1 Item from this list or 1 Ancient Item or 10kk Zen Errtel of Anger (Water) Errtel of Blessing (Water) Errtel of Integrity (Water) Errtel of Divinity (Water) 1st Lucky Armor Ticket 1st Lucky Pants Ticket 1st Lucky Helm Ticket 1st Lucky Gloves Ticket 1st Lucky Boots Ticket 2nd Lucky Armor Ticket 2nd Lucky Pants Ticket 2nd Lucky Helm Ticket 2nd Lucky Gloves Ticket 2nd Lucky Boots Ticket Ruud Box (500) Ruud Box (400) Jewel of Bless (5) Jewel of Soul (5) Blue Dragon (Purple) 1 Item from this list or 1 Ancient Item or 10kk Zen Errtel of Anger (Darkness) Errtel of Blessing (Darkness) Errtel of Integrity (Darkness) Errtel of Divinity (Darkness) 1st Lucky Armor Ticket 1st Lucky Pants Ticket 1st Lucky Helm Ticket 1st Lucky Gloves Ticket 1st Lucky Boots Ticket 2nd Lucky Armor Ticket 2nd Lucky Pants Ticket 2nd Lucky Helm Ticket 2nd Lucky Gloves Ticket 2nd Lucky Boots Ticket Ruud Box (500) Ruud Box (400) Jewel of Bless (5) Jewel of Soul (5)
  18. Possible Locations: Lorencia Green & White Sheep Droplist Lesser Spirit Stone Jewel of Chaos Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Life Jewel of Creation Ruud Boxes (50 to 400) Purple Sheep Droplist Loch's Feather Ruud Box (100 to 1500) Red Sheep Droplist Ancient Items
  19. Possible Location: Noria Item Drop List Lesser Spirit Stone Jewel of Chaos Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Life Jewel of Creation Ruud Boxes (100 to 500)
  20. Funky

    Death King

    Death King (5) Possible Location: Lorencia, Noria. Item List Drop Jewel of Chaos Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Life Jewel of Creation Ruud Box (100) Goblin Point (50)
  21. Schedules All days 4 times Once the golden ones spawn they will stay alive until they die or at the start of the next Golden Invasion. Golden Goblin Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Noria Drop: Box of Kundun +1 - Ruud Box (400) Golden Rabbit Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Elbeland Drop: Box of Kundun +1 - Ruud Box (400) Golden Soldier Spawn Quantity: 2 Spawn Map: Devias Drop: Box of Kundun +1 - Ruud Box (400) Golden Titan Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Devias Drop: Box of Kundun +1 - Ruud Box (400) Golden Dark Knight Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Dungeon Drop: Box of Kundun +1 - Ruud Box (400) Golden Devil Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Losttower Drop: Box of Kundun +2 - Ruud Box (400) Golden Lizard King Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Atlans Drop: Box of Kundun +2 - Ruud Box (400) Golden Vepar Spawn Quantity: 2 Spawn Map: Atlans Drop: Box of Kundun +2 - Ruud Box (400) Golden Derkon Spawn Quantity: 2 Spawn Map: Lorencia, Devias, Noria, Losttower Drop: Box of Kundun +1 +2 +3 (5) - Ruud Box (100 - 400) - Miracle Coin (1) Golden Wheel Spawn Quantity: 2 Spawn Map: Tarkan Drop: Box of Kundun +3 - Ruud Box (400) Golden Tantalos Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Tarkan Drop: Box of Kundun +3 - Ruud Box (400) - Miracle Coin (1) Golden Stone Golem Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Aida Drop: Box of Kundun +3 - Ruud Box (400) - Miracle Coin (1) Golden Crust Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Icarus Drop: Box of Kundun +3 - Ruud Box (400) - Miracle Coin (1) - Miracle Coin (1) Golden Satyros Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Kanturu Drop: Box of Kundun +4 - Ruud Box (400) - Miracle Coin (1) Golden Twin Tail Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Kanturu Remain Drop: Box of Kundun +4 - Ruud Box (400) - Miracle Coin (1) Golden Iron Knight Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Raklion Drop: Box of Kundun +5 - Ruud Box (100 - 400) - Miracle Coin (1) Golden Napin Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Swamp of Calmness Drop: Box of Kundun +5 - Ruud Box (400) - Miracle Coin (1) Great Golden Dragon Spawn Quantity: 1 Spawn Map: Kanturu, Raklion Drop: Box of Kundun +4 +5 (5) - Ruud Box (400) - Miracle Coin (1)
  22. Funky

    Moon Rabbit

    Moon Rabbit Possible Location: Aida Item Drop List Jewel of Chaos Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Life WereRabbit Egg (Nymph & Safi) Zen Evolution Stone
  23. How To Play Golden Goblins have been released into the lands of Aida, Kanturu, Tarkan, Acheron, Karutan 1, Karutan 2. When defeated, these creatures may drop a Book of Invocation that will summon other Golden Monsters. This includes the Golden Tantalose, Golden Erohim, Golden Hell Maine and Golden Kundun. Capture each Golden Monster for a chance to retrieve a new Book that will summon the next level of monster. Each Golden Monster will unlock random rewards listed below Golden Goblin Titan's Anger (75%) Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Life Jewel of Creation Jewel of Chaos Ruud Box (400) Muun Pet Golden Titan Erohim's Nightmare (50%) Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Life Jewel of Chaos Ruud Box (500) Golden Tantalose Erohim's Nightmare (20%) Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Life Jewel of Chaos Jewel of Creation Jewel of Harmony Ruud Box (500) Ruud Box (400) Golden Erohim Hell Maine's Insanity (45%) Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Life Jewel of Chaos Jewel of Creation Jewel of Harmony Ruud Box (500) Ruud Box (400) Golden Hell Maine Kundun's Greed (30%) Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Life Jewel of Chaos Jewel of Creation Jewel of Harmony Ruud Box (500) Ruud Box (1500) Ruud Box (100) Ruud Box (100) Golden Kundun Wings of Angel and Devil (7 days) Jewel of Bless (10) Jewel of Soul (10) Jewel of Life (10) Jewel of Chaos (10) Jewel of Creation (10) Jewel of Harmony (10) Jewel of Luck Ruud Box (1500) Ruud Box (2000) Ruud Box (3000) Lemuria's Orb Runedil's Goldentune Harp Norrwen's Bloodstring Lyra Rage Earring (L) Rage Earring (R)
  24. Rewards for Illusion Temple Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Life Jewel of Creation Items Ancient Rewards Points 100 a 400 points: ⁠Mastery Box (Minor) 401 a 800 points: ⁠Mastery Box (Standar) 801 a MAX points: ⁠Mastery Box (Greater) Points table Statue Neutralize: 50 StatueDestroy: 30 Player Kill: 10 Winning: 200
  25. Funky

    Chaos Castle

    Rewards for Chaos Castle Winner Chaos Castle 1 (3 Items) Jewel of Bless, Soul, Life, Creation, Items Ancient Chaos Castle 2 (3 Items) Jewel of Bless, Soul, Life, Creation, Items Ancient, Jewel of Science, Jewel of Luck Chaos Castle 3 (3 Items) Jewel of Bless, Soul, Life, Creation, Items Ancient, Jewel of Science, Jewel of Luck Chaos Castle 4 (4 Items) Jewel of Bless, Soul, Life, Creation, Items Ancient, Jewel of Science, Jewel of Luck Chaos Castle 5 (4 Items) Jewel of Bless, Soul, Life, Creation, Items Ancient, Jewel of Science, Jewel of Luck Chaos Castle 6 (5 Items) Jewel of Bless, Soul, Life, Creation, Items Ancient, Jewel of Science, Jewel of Luck Chaos Castle 7 (5 Items) Jewel of Bless, Soul, Life, Creation, Items Ancient, Jewel of Science, Jewel of Luck Rewards Points 100 a 400 points: ⁠Mastery Box (Minor) 401 a 800 points: ⁠Mastery Box (Standar) 801 a MAX points: ⁠Mastery Box (Greater) Points table Monster Kill: 26 Player Kill: 100 Winner: 200
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