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Changelogs May 13


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» Se corrigió un error con el rango del Ice Arrow (tenia 6 y deberia ser 8 del lado serverside).
» Se aumento la cantidad de personajes que pueden ingresar al evento Battle Royale de 20 a 40.
» Se aumento la vida del Boss Medusa de 980.000 a 3.700.000
» Se soluciono un error en el Spawn de los Mobs de Kalima 7.
» Se habilito la invasión de dorados.

» Fixed a bug with the Ice Arrow's range (it had 6 and should be 8 on the serverside).
» The number of characters that can enter the Battle Royale event has been increased from 20 to 40.
» Increased Boss Medusa's health from 980,000 to 3,700,000
» Fixed an error in the Kalima 7 Mob Spawn.
» The golden invasion was enabled.

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