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Changelogs May 21

Message added by Funky,

These changes will begin from Tuesday the 21st at 19:00 (GMT-3)

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» Se agrego 30 minutos adicionales a la Golden Invasion, ahora dura un total de 60 minutos.
» Se corrigió un error con las rewards del algunos eventos PvP.
» Se habilitaron las entradas restantes de Acheron (Debenter, Uruk Montain, Nars)
» Ahora las Tower del evento Protector of Acheron también puede spawnear en Debenter
» Se habilito el drop de todos los materiales para la creación de armas socket ex700
» Se habilito el evento de LaCleon (Selupan)
» Se habilito el evento de Boss Core Magriffy, Lord Silvester y Lord of Ferea

Información de nuevos eventos
Selupan (Raklion Event)
Mapa: La Cleon
Respawn: 24hs

Core Magriffy
Mapa: Nars
Días: Martes, Jueves
Horario: 21:00

Lord Silvester
Mapa: Uruk Montain
Días: Martes, Jueves
Horario: 22:30

Lord of Ferea
Mapa: Ferea
Días: Miercoles, Sábado
Horario: 23:00

» Added 30 additional minutes to the Golden Invasion, now lasting a total of 60 minutes.
» Fixed a bug with the rewards of some PvP events.
» Remaining Acheron entries enabled (Debenter, Uruk Montain, Nars)
» Towers from the Protector of Acheron event can now also spawn in Debenter
» The drop of all materials for the creation of socket ex700 weapons has been enabled
» The LaCleon (Selupan) event was enabled
» The Boss Core Magriffy, Lord Silvester and Lord of Ferea event has been enabled

Information about new events
Selupan (Raklion Event)
Map: La Cleon
Respawn: 24 hours

Core Magriffy
Map: Nars
Days: Tuesday, Thursday
Time: 9:00 p.m.

Lord Sylvester
Map: Uruk Mountain
Days: Tuesday, Thursday
Time: 22:30

Lord of Ferea
Map: Ferea
Days: Wednesday, Saturday
Hours: 11pm

» Adicionados 30 minutos adicionais à Invasão Dourada, agora com duração total de 60 minutos.
» Corrigido um bug com as recompensas de alguns eventos PvP.
» Entradas restantes do Acheron habilitadas (Debenter, Uruk Montain, Nars)
»Torres do evento Protetor de Acheron agora também podem aparecer em Debenter
» O drop de todos os materiais para a criação de armas soquete ex700 foi habilitado
» O evento LaCleon (Selupan) foi habilitado
» O evento Boss Core Magriffy, Lord Silvester e Lord of Ferea foi habilitado

Informações sobre novos eventos
Selupan (Evento Raklion)
Mapa: La Cléon
Reaparecimento: 24 horas

Núcleo Magriffy
Mapa: Nars
Dias: terça, quinta
Horário: 21h00

Lorde Silvestre
Mapa: Montanha Uruk
Dias: terça, quinta
Horário: 22h30

Senhor de Ferea
Mapa: Feria
Dias: quarta-feira, sábado
Horário: 23h00

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