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Changelogs May 22


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» Se aumento levemente la vida de Core Magriffy y Lord Silvester.
» Se redujo la defensa de Selupan y se aumento levemente la vida.
» Se redujo la vida de la torre del evento Protector of Acheron de 90m a 50m
» Se habilito la barra de vida y sd al pasar el cursor por encima de los personajes

» Slightly increased the health of Core Magriffy and Lord Silvester.
» Reduced Selupan's defense and slightly increased health.
» Protector of Acheron event tower health reduced from 90m to 50m
» The life and sd bar was enabled when hovering over the characters

» Aumentou ligeiramente a saúde de Core Magriffy e Lord Silvester.
»Redução da defesa de Selupan e aumento ligeiro da saúde.
» Vida da torre do evento Protetor de Acheron reduzida de 90m para 50m
» A barra de vida e SD foi habilitada ao passar o mouse sobre os personagens

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