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Changelogs May 26


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» Se corrigieron errores en el drop de Selupan.
» Se aumento la experiencia de las primeras tablas de reset (del 1 al 7).
» Ahora los nuevos personajes comienzan con un set Ghast +9, Archangel Weapon +9 y Cloak of Limit +9 por 30 días de duración.

» Fixed errors in Selupan's drop.
» The experience of the first reset tables was increased (from 1 to 7).
» New characters now start with a Ghast +9, Archangel Weapon +9 and Cloak of Limit +9 set for 30 days duration.

» Corrigidos erros no drop do Selupan.
» A experiência das primeiras tabelas de reset foi aumentada (de 1 para 7).
» Novos personagens agora começam com Ghast +9, Archangel Weapon +9 e Cloak of Limit +9 definidos para 30 dias de duração.

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