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Changelogs May 30


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» Ahora Lord of Ferea spawnea sin la orbe ya que daba problemas con el tiempo de despawn, una vez anunciado el evento Lord of Ferea será spawneado.
» Se removió Jerin the Assistant (NPC Gaion) del server No-PvP (No permitia ingresar porque el evento dentro de este servidor esta deshabilitado pero se remueve para evitar tickets de soporte preguntando por esto).

» Now Lord of Ferea spawns without the orb since it caused problems with spawn time, once the event is announced Lord of Ferea will spawn.
» Jerin the Assistant (NPC Gaion) was removed from the No-PvP server (It did not allow entry because the event within this server is disabled but it is removed to avoid support tickets asking about this).

» Agora Lord of Ferea surge sem o orbe, pois causava problemas com o tempo de spawn, assim que o evento for anunciado, Lord of Ferea irá aparecer.
» Jerin the Assistant (NPC Gaion) foi removido do servidor No-PvP (Não permitiu a entrada porque o evento dentro deste servidor está desabilitado mas foi removido para evitar tickets de suporte perguntando sobre isso).

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