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VIP Membership


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VIP membership is a paid feature, which is intended for the maintenance and continuous improvement of the servers. We can acquire VIP by donating or exchanging items for WCoins within the server, this way everyone has the possibility of obtaining membership.

VIP membership benefits Cost: USD $12 (1200 WC)
» VIP additional experience 0.2% - (Base Exp + Bonus Exp) * VIP EXP
» 10% additional drop
» 5% additional luck on Chaos Machine combos (This reward is not visually displayed on the CM)
» Offhelper without usage limit (free users can use offhelper only for 2 hours)
» Season Pass: Gold Pass (Includes the Gold Pass route of the Season Pass)
» Exclusive commands for VIP members.}
» Daily rewards (once per day per account, resets daily at 23:59 GMT-3).
» Our thanks for supporting the community ♥️

VIP Commands
/vip - Claim daily rewards
/timer - Shows the time remaining for events and bosses.
/shop - Open a basic store remotely without leaving your location.

Daily Rewards Master Seal of Wealth (60m) + 1 RUUD Box (400 to 3000) + 3 random items from the following list
Miracle Coin
Jewel of Soul
Jewel of Bless
[Bound] Bless of Light (Lower)
[Bound] Bless of Light (Middle)
[Bound] Bless of Light (Greater)

Subject to modifications. Rewards are only delivered if membership is active at the time of submission.


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La membresía VIP es un beneficio de pago, la cual esta destinada al mantenimiento y mejora continua de los servidores. 
Podemos adquirir VIP donando, intercambiando items por WCoins o ganando Wcoins en eventos dentro del servidor, de esta manera todos tienen la posibilidad de obtener la membresía.

Ventajas de membresía VIP Costo: USD $12 (1200 WC)
» Experiencia adicional VIP 0.2% - (Exp Base + Bonus Exp) * VIP EXP. En resumen, es un 20% del total, si estamos en 300% de exp ganaremos un 60% de EXP VIP.
» 10% de drop adicional
» 5% de suerte adicional en combinaciones de Chaos Machine (Esta bonificación no se muestra visualmente en la CM)
» Offhelper sin limite de uso (los usuarios free pueden usar offhelper solo por 2 horas)
» Season Pass: Gold Pass (Incluye la ruta Gold Pass del Season Pass)
» Comandos exclusivos para miembros VIP.
» Recompensas diarias (una vez al día por cuenta, se reinicia diariamente a las 23:59 GMT-3).
» Nuestro agradecimiento por apoyar la comunidad ♥️

 Comandos VIP 
/vip - Reclamar recompensas diarias 
/timer - Muestra el tiempo restante para los eventos y bosses.
/shop - Abre un shop básico de forma remota sin moverte de tu ubicación.

Recompensas diarias Master Seal of Wealth (60m) + 1 RUUD Box (400 to 3000) + 3 Items aleatorios de la siguiente lista 
Miracle Coin
Jewel of Soul
Jewel of Bless
[Bound] Bless of Light (Lower)
[Bound] Bless of Light (Middle)
[Bound] Bless of Light (Greater)

Sujeto a modificaciones. Las recompensas y beneficios únicamente se pueden utilizar si posee una membresía VIP activa. 

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