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F1 - Game Guide
F2 - Chat on/off
F3 - Whisper on/off
T - Mission
U - Menu
P - Personal Stores
F - Friends List
G - Guild
K - Gremory Case
Z - Configuration Mu Helper
X - In-game store
B - generation
M - Warp List
And - Muun Pets
H - Open additional trunk
S - Open personal store
L - Repair items
A - Third skill tree
Tab - Minimap
Home/Home - Start Mu Helper
[CTRL + A] Fourth skill tree
[CTRL + J] Fifth Skill Tree
[CTRL + V] Event Inventory
[CTRL + F] Idle mode
[CTRL + S + LEFT CLICK] Move party with Helper Plus (Requires party leader)
[F8] Hide interface
[F9] Right autoclick
[F10] Minimize the game to the taskbar
[F11] Restore game from tray bar
[F12] Minimize play in tray bar

3D Camera
[F6] Enable or disable 3D camera
[F7] Reset 3D camera
[Shift + Right Click] Move 3D camera
Mouse wheel - Zoom in or out 3D camera

[SHIFT + 1]: Hide wings
[SHIFT + 2]: Reduce skill effect
[SHIFT + 3]: Reduce the effect of the element
[SHIFT + 4]: Hide Earth Zen
[SHIFT + 5]: Hide floor element
[SHIFT + 6]: Hide Muun Pet
[SHIFT + 7]: Hide characters and shadows
[SHIFT + 8]: Hide skill effect
[SHIFT + 9]: Reduce item brightness to +0
[SHIFT + 0]: Reduce terrain objects

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